Saturday, January 26, 2013

Minimal Trifles

At first, thinking of a stripped down version of Trifles didn't make sense to me. It being a almost CSI-like story-line, taking away all the details seemed wrong. But, if you think about it, the show isn't about figuring out who did it. The show is about women of that time, being forced to spend their time inside cleaning and taking care of the house on their own, and having men tear them down as if it should be the easiest thing in the world because women are "made" to do it. 
The two other women in the show actually figure out what happened and hide it from the men because they understand how bad Mrs. Wright's life had been, and the fact that honestly deep down they may have though of doing the exact same thing. Being stuck in that daily life of being forced to do this and that, of being made to feel like you are ridiculous and lesser then the opposite gender, a person is bound to go crazy. I think making this show ultra minimalist would solidify that idea even further. If you think about it, to Mrs. Wright her home probably looked that way in her mind. There was no life in the home, no children, no pets, nothing. Her quilt wasn't being made to decorate, it was being made because it's what she was supposed to do. 
The minimalist approach would enhance the feeling that there really was nothing to the house, it's "lonesome and always was." 

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